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New West End DND Location

Posted on: March 18th, 2016 by Chris Scott

With the new DND location coming to the west end of Ottawa it has created a shift in where CAF members are living. As someone who specializes in military relocation, I have helped many clients relocate to the city. Over the past 3 years my clients have been desiring to live in the west-end suburbs of Kanata and Stittsville – not exclusively – but I would say 75% or so. One area in particular is the Stittsville community of Fairwinds. If you drive by the bus stop in the morning you will see lots of military uniforms. A client joked with me that it is one of Ottawa’s unofficial bases! The reason it is so popular is because there are so many young families, the value is relatively good, and there is a good sense of community. There are also amenities close by – parks, and the best splash pad in Stittsville!

To learn more about this location or any other that might be of interest please feel free to get in touch. Finding a home on an HHT can be stressful to say the least. It is important to have someone familiar with the process. I am happy to lend a hand.


Posting Season

Posted on: March 11th, 2016 by Chris Scott

This is shaping up to be one the busiest posting years in recent memory. The budget looks good and I have many military clients on the move.  At the moment we are all in real estate limbo. Everyone knows they are moving in or out but don’t yet have their official message. I am told these messages will be coming down in the next week or two – so be patient.

If you know that you are selling, connect with a Realtor® (hopefully me) and get your house ready to sell. When the message comes through you can get to market quickly. It looks like it will be a very active Spring market in Ottawa and you will want to capitalize on this.

If you are selling your home in Ottawa or are being relocated here,  feel free to get in touch. I specialize in military moves, am very familiar with the Brookfield processes and am happy to offer my assistance.


Ottawa vs Gatineau: The Great Debate

Posted on: February 28th, 2016 by Chris Scott

Ottawa vs Gatineau

When relocating to Ottawa there is lots to consider. Some clients are always debating between purchasing in Gatineau or Ottawa. I have put together some information for you to consider.

Living in Ottawa means living in the National Capital Region (NCR), which includes Gatineau, Quebec. Gatineau is so oft-ignored, but people who’ve lived in Ottawa for a long time have slowly discovered that in addition to a downtown that has that Old Montréal feel and some pretty amazing restaurants, they also have heavily subsidized daycare, lower rent, and the drinking age is 18.

But let’s focus on that rent thing; lower rent is directly proportional to lower-cost housing. Once you’ve made that connection, you’re browsing houses in Gatineau and finding amazing potential just a quick zip over the bridge. Tons of people work in Ottawa and live in Gatineau. Do they know something you don’t?

In a word: NO. In more words, here’s a basic breakdown of Ottawa versus Gatineau.

The Obvious: Cheaper Real Estate

There’s absolutely no doubt that Gatineau prices are more attractive than Ottawa’s. The average Gatineau home is over a $140,000 less when compared to Ottawa.   That’s a pack your bags and run for the Gatineau Hills difference. Or is it?

The Not-So-Obvious: Taxes

This is a tricky analysis because it depends on your income. The Cole’s Notes version is that if you work in Ottawa and live in Gatineau, you will pay higher taxes to the tune of 5-10% depending on your income bracket. Does this make up for the gap between real estate prices? Over time, yes. Shorter term no and from a service perspective overall you get better value in Ottawa.


That’s the language used in Gatineau. While part of the NCR, when you cross the Ottawa River, vous vous trouvez dans la belle province. For some of you, this may not be an issue; however, this is a major consideration. Think about going to the doctor or seeking care at a hospital. While it’s important to note that you can get medical care in Ottawa as a Gatineau resident, if it’s 2 a.m. and your child has a fever, are you going to drive over the bridge or are you going to the closest place for care? Furthermore, consider that all signage is in French, including safety and road warnings. Not knowing any French could become more than just a simple nuisance.

But, Subsidized Daycare?

Subsidized daycare is no joke. At $7 per day versus $35-40 per day in Ottawa, that difference alone can be enough to tip the scales. However, the waiting list for public daycare in Gatineau is years-long, so after one year of parental leave, you’re still looking at the same cost for daycare, if not more than in Ottawa. Private daycares in Gatineau can’t compete with the $7 subsidized rate so they don’t and their rates are the same or higher than in Ottawa. You can’t simply move to Gatineau with the mindset that you’ll automatically qualify for daycare.


Health care is significantly less available in Gatineau, which is why so many residents retain or seek Ottawa services (footnote: This extends to emergency services so while you may take small comfort in the fact that getting a family doctor in Ottawa is equally challenging, the number of clinics and emergency services in Ottawa can capably meet residents’ needs, while also handling the significant and somewhat terrifying overflow from Gatineau. Asking the scary question of how much your health care is worth to you must factor into any decision to move to Gatineau.


If you are military and you need to sell your house quick, Ottawa is the clear winner here. The market is more expensive but has historically always had quicker resale and stronger demand. For military clients this a huge consideration.

Relocating to Ottawa or Gatineau?

If you are looking to work with a Realtor on either side of the border let me know. I am not licensed in Quebec but have some great agents that are. I have even had a house hunting trip in the past where the buyer was looking in both Ottawa and Gatineau .I can make this happen and co-ordinate everything for you. It is a challenge on a house hunting trip because of the tight timelines but it is possible. I can always be reached on my cell at 613-863-6999 for all your real estate needs.




Posted on: February 10th, 2016 by Chris Scott

One question that is often asked of me is Why specialize in military relocation?

The answer is quite simple. The people I have been fortunate to work with over the past 11 years have been incredible. There is lots of repeat business if you do a great job too.

I have had one military client move to Ottawa, get transferred out to Edmonton, then back to Ottawa and then relocated out East. They have plans to come back for 2017. I have gotten to know them so well over the past 11 years. As a military Realtor if you do a good job it is amazing how loyal your clients will be.  Having the right real estate agent in Ottawa can definitely make all the difference.  Keep me in mind if you are transferred into Ottawa.



Posted to Ottawa? Here are a few tips for your House Hunting Trip:

Posted on: January 26th, 2016 by Chris Scott

In 2016 the posting messages are coming in a bit earlier. Many are starting to receive verbal confirmation and are waiting for their posting message.

If you have been transferred to Ottawa and are booking a house hunting trip there are a few important things to consider. Here are my top 3 tips:

1) Resale: Find a house that does not have any major strikes against it. This could be power lines in the backyard, house on really busy street, it has an usual layout, or some type of stigma attached to the house/area. You have to make sure the house can be sold quickly on the other end when/if you are posted outside of Ottawa. Exceptions can be made if the price is very good.

2) Location: Find a location/neighbourhood close to transit, has good resale, and is accessible to good schools. I can help guide you in this respect. I have good knowledge of all the areas in Ottawa. This will lead to better enjoyment of your posting here.

3) Realtor: As you know this week is going to be very important for you. Your new home/area can in some ways dictate how you will enjoy your time in Ottawa. It is important to get aligned with a great Realtor who is familiar with house hunting trips. There is no time for mistakes.

If you have any questions about your posting to Ottawa please feel free to get in touch. I am always reachable via my cell at 613-863-6999 or email.


The Ottawa Economy

Posted on: January 15th, 2016 by Chris Scott

If you have been transferred to Ottawa, this short video will give you some insight into our local economy.  I hope Ottawa is a favourable posting for you.  It is great to get as much information about the city and the housing market prior to your arrival.  Please feel free to get in touch with me.  I specialize in military relocations to Ottawa and would be happy to help you with your search.  Enjoy the video.

2016 Ottawa Real Estate Market Outlook

Posted on: January 11th, 2016 by Chris Scott

Ok, so you have just been posted to Ottawa. Congrats, Ottawa is an amazing city to be transferred to. It is important to get yourself familiarized with our real estate market. Here is what 2016 is shaping up to be in Ottawa Real Estate:

At this time of year I am a maven for any information about the housing market. Every January I go through statistical reports from CMHC, newspapers, brokerages, economists, and our local real estate board. My objective in this research is to try and get a feel for where the market is heading in the upcoming year.  What interests me is that there are so many different options depending on who you talk to or what you read. I will add my thoughts into the mix for you to consider.

I am predicting a very similar real estate market for 2016 to the one we just experienced this past year. Sales will be steady, inventory will be higher then normal, and conditions will remain fairly balanced. We will see sales levels at near historical highs. We will also see hiThe buyer may have a slight advantage depending on location and market segment. For instance, the condo market remains an area of concern. Inventory levels are very high and condo developers still seem bullish on this market and continue to build. There is too much supply to match the demand. We could see downward pressure on prices in the condo market again this year.  This will remain a buyers market.

HHT – Door to Door Moves

Posted on: October 5th, 2015 by Chris Scott

As a member of the Canadian Forces you are responsible for arranging a door to door move when you are relocating. By doing so, you are ensuring a smooth transition between households which allows you have a stress free relocation, be back to work sooner and incur fewer expenses during the moving process. This style of relocating is beneficial for you even though it requires a bit more planning. In order to coordinate the dates effectively, you must establish your “target” moving dates in advance. These dates create a timeline for you to plan your move. With your target dates in mind, you can then begin to plan your moving timeline which can include:

  • Obtaining approval from your Chain of Command
  • Planning a HHT
  • Selecting your Property
  • Negotiating the possession/occupancy dates to be close to the date you are to report to your new posting
  • Coordinating your travel days with the packing of your home and travel to the new location
  • Having your household goods delivered directly to your new home to eliminate the need for storing them
  • Avoiding peak moving periods such as long weekends.

While relocating can appear overwhelming at times, creating a timeline in advance will help plan a moving experience that will be easier on you and your entire family. If you are being posted in or out of the Ottawa area, I can help arrange a perfectly executed door to door move with your timeline in mind.


Project “Lean Headquarters” Behind Schedule

Posted on: October 2nd, 2015 by Chris Scott

This is an interesting development that may affect military postings into and out of Ottawa.  With the move to the new DND headquarters the military is making an effort to get leaner.

Part of the Defence Renewal Program launched in 2013, the initiative to reduce the number of staff at Ottawa’s NDHQ by between 846 and 1034 “full-time equivalents” is still in the analysis phase and no changes to personnel have been implemented to date.

The overall size of Ottawa’s DND workforce is expected to remain the same since the focus will be on moving employees into higher priority areas or towards higher value work such as support to Cyber Security or the Canadian Military’s Space Program.  In total, between 2,800 and 4,800 military and civilian personnel across the country could be moved. This could lead to a very active posting season in 2016 and 2017, with many military personnel being transferred.  The effort is complex and will take several years to complete.  Re-training and re-location will be utilized if necessary.

It appears that as many as 1,000 civilian jobs have been eliminated because of ongoing government-ordered cutbacks at DND.  In some instances, private firms are being brought in to supply non-union workers for positions such as clerks, cleaners and kitchen staff.  It is possible that there could be more civilian cuts at NDHQ because of the expected changes.

If you have any real estate related questions, it is never too soon to ask them!!



Posted on: September 15th, 2015 by Chris Scott

Ottawa is a very popular destination for military postings. This has given me the opportunity to help dozens of military families get settled in Ottawa. Working with military families has always been the favourite part of my job.  Military clients understand the process and do what it takes to get their home ready for sale. As buyers, they realize that relocation is just part of the job.

I had the pleasure of helping Heather and Alex sell their Ottawa home this summer. This was the fourth transaction I have helped them with. I also got them setup with a great Realtor in Fredericton. They are such a joy to work with. It was the fourth time in 7 years they have moved cities. Think about that! That is incredible!  It is not easy to just pick up and move to a new city – especially with a young family. These sacrifices often go unnoticed. They are among the many reasons why we should all hold our CAF members in such high regard.

Thank you for all you do!
