The DND at the Nortel complex is starting to fill up with civil servants and military personnel on route to the estimated 9300 people that will eventually work there. This has created a parking shortage. There are only enough spots for about half of the employees that are expected to work there. In May of this year, all parking passes will be revoked and a new lottery system will be put in place. Essentially you will have to win your parking space (you still have to pay $35/month). It is designed to make it fair to everyone. This has angered some civil servants who feel that the location is remote and poorly served by bus routes. DND personal fired back that they have no obligation to provide parking and that having a space is a privilege, not a right.
If you carpool you will be able to get a pass much easier. DND is encouraging people to carpool and has even set up a site where people can sign up for it. This is the only sure-fire way to get yourself a parking pass.