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Ottawa House Hunting: Tips for Success

Ensuring your House Hunting Trip (HHT) is successful is my top priority. A standard HHT is 5 days and 5 nights for which you and or your spouse  travel to the new location to find your new house. Having planned many Military HHTs within Ottawa, I have created a checklist to help prepare you for your Ottawa house hunting.  Here are a few top tips:

 Pick Your Dates!

Plan your trip at least 40-60 days before your report date. This will give the sellers enough time to move out and help accommodate your door to door move.  The more time in advance the better.

Research, Research, Research

Familiarize yourself with your new location before your trip. Google Maps can be a great resource to search out the downtown core, schools, amenities and public transit. Ottawa has a variety of neighbourhoods in different price points. Your agent should help you understand what areas might be the right fit for you based on your unique circumstances. Communication with your agent before you arrive is key. We build a listing website of all available inventory that matches our clients needs and work from there. This site gives our military clients the ability to track listings, set-up favorites/possibility lists, and get a sense of the market activity.

Brainstorm & Communicate With Your Agent

Knowing exactly what you want in a new home is often difficult but expressing your needs to your agent can help them select the right properties for your HTT. Consider your lifestyle choices along with your “must haves” and communicate them to your agent. The clearer picture your agent has of your situation the more accurate your property matches will be.

Another great resource if you plan on taking public transportation is

Of course these are just a few tips. If you would like to book a house hunting trip in Ottawa, please click on the link below.

Plan and book your house hunting trip with me today.


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