Posts Tagged ‘Ottawa’


Posted on: September 22nd, 2014 by Chris Scott

Following a number of high-profile news stories describing some very expensive same-city moves, a change has been announced for the Canadian Military Relocation Policy. 

The federal government will no longer cover moving costs for retiring members who are relocating within a 40km radius.  This change will align the IPR policy with those of other federal departments and agencies, such as the RCMP.

DND said they will make “compassionate exceptions for medical reasons and extenuating personal circumstances”.

The retirement resettlement policy was designed to allow soldiers and their families to expense one final move when they retire so they can choose where they will live.  It makes fiscal sense to exclude same-city moves, however, this will put significant pressure on the last house-hunting trip.  It is very difficult to find the perfect retirement home on a 5-day, jam-packed, HHT, often handled without input from the spouse.

If you are posted to Ottawa, I would be happy to help you with your HHT.
